Oct 15, 2012

Oct 9, 2012

Stop writing and blogging?

I once had thoughts about removing this blog, stop writing and designing. The reason is just simple, because I have no idea what should I write or what should I create. To justify that, my opinion is that a psychologist has to keep her prestige (yeah, cheesy you may say). Then I stopped writing, designing, to the extent where I didn’t browse websites which all the time gave me inspiration. Was it a relief? I felt rather numb and unproductive, but I stayed. Until one day where me and my friend, Vivi, planned bridal shower for our friend. We want to make good memories for our friend. Expensive isn’t the key, but good preparation is. One of those early preparations is bridal shower invitation. Of course, who else works on this? After long time of being abandoned, I have opened my Photoshop CS4 again. Several hours I have been sitting in front of my laptop (with other distractions), and after that one sample of an invitation was made. After I take another look at the invitation I had myself made, I felt the satisfaction which I have been never felt for a long time since I had decided to stop either writing or designing. It’s a simple joy. After that day, I realized that I am myself regardless of whichever title I have achieved . This is who I am, The Dreamer. Why should I hide the things I like for other stuff when both of them are my hard work? Maybe I just need a break from writing yesterday, but not stop. 
Have a nice day, readers!

*Below is sample of the invitation that I made.